Inaugural Re-Bel Public Event

30 April 2009

The Re-Bel initiative was publicly launched with a full-day event that took place on April 30th 2009 at the University Foundation. We are most grateful to all the speakers for having provided a rich and stimulating input, and to the numerous participants for having contributed to the friendly and fruitful character of the encounter. The speech by Steven Vanackere, federal minister for institutional reform and deputy prime minister, is available for download. The bulk of the other contributions has already taken or will take the form of e-books.

It aimed to illustrate the initiative’s aims and spirit: interdisciplinary, reform-oriented, taboo-free, argument-based, with with plenty of room fora lively discussion and with the active participation of scholars from all Belgian universities and of many members of the Brussels-based international community.

The afternoon session was opened by Steven VANACKERE, deputy prime minister and minister for institutional reform. The bulk of the other contributions has already taken or will take the form of e-books.

Re-Bel E-books 2 and 3 include revised versions of the presentations at the afternoon session:
Does it make sense to regionalize labour market institutions?, edited by Bart Cockx and Bruno Van der Linden
Is democracy viable without a unified public opinion?, edited by Dave Sinardet and Marc Hooghe

Two more e-books on the themes of the morning session, including additional contributions, have also been published:
What does history teach us about the future of Belgium’s institutions?, edited by Bruno De Wever
What does geography teach us about the future of Belgium’s institutions?, edited by Jacques Thisse


Welcoming (8.30am)

Morning session (9am-1pm)

9 – 9.15Opening: The Re-Bel initiative
Eric De Keuleneer (University Foundation)
Paul De Grauwe (K.U.Leuven) & Philippe Van Parijs (UCL)
9.15 – 10.45What does human geography tell us about how Belgium’s institutions should and/or will evolve?
Isabelle Thomas & Jacques Thisse (UCL) [Download their slides]
Peter Cabus (K.U.Leuven)
Patrick Deboosere (VUB)
Chair: Mathias Dewatripont (ULB)
11.15 – 12.45What does history tell us about how Belgium’s institutions should and/or will evolve?
Bruno De Wever (UGent)
Herman Van Goethem (UA)
Vincent Dujardin (UCL)
Luc Huyse (KULeuven)
Chair: Bea Cantillon (UA)
12.45 – 13.00What did I learn?
Derek Blyth (editor of The Bulletin, The Newsweekly of the Capital of Europe)

Afternoon session (2-5.50pm)

14.00 – 14.15Opening: How can academics contribute fruitfully to institutional reform?
Steven Vanackere, deputy prime minister and minister for institutional reform in Belgium’s federal government
14.15 – 15.40Does it make sense to regionalize labour market institutions ? If so, how?
Bart Cockx (UGent) & Bruno Vander Linden (UCL),
editors of the Re-Bel e-book “Does it make sense to regionalize labour market institutions ?”
Koen Algoed (K.U.Leuven)
Mathias Hungerbühler (FUNDP)
Chair: Erik Schokkaert (K.U.Leuven)
16.10 – 17.35Does it make sense to fight the development of distinct public opinions ? If so, how?
Marc Hooghe (K.U.Leuven) & Dave Sinardet (UA),
editors of the Re-Bel e-book “Can a democracy work without a united public opinion?”
Nenad Stojanovic (Universität Zürich)
Marnix Beyen (UA)
Jeroen van der Kris (NRC Handelsblad)
Marc Reynebeau (De Standaard)
Chair: Philippe Van Parijs (UCL)
17.35 – 17.50Closing: What next?
Chair: Paul De Grauwe (K.U.Leuven)
Event Registration
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Does it make sense to regionalize labour market institutions?

Re-Bel e-book 2, published in April 2009, 36 pages.

Lead piece: Jean-Claude Marcourt and Frank Vandenbroucke (employment ministers for Wallonia and Flanders, respectively)
Editors: Bart Cockx (UGent) and Bruno Van der Linden (UCLouvain)


This e-book addresses one of the most hotly debated questions in the Belgian federation: To what extent should some federal labour market institutions be decentralized? “Labour market institutions” include formal organizations, laws, rules and policies that affect the functioning of the labour market. The e-book starts with an opinion piece jointly published on December 8, 2008 by Ministers Marcourt and Vandenbroucke, then in charge of employment in the Walloon and Flemish governments, respectively. In this piece, they present a a list of institutions that should remain federal and another list of institutions and policies that should be decentralized. The bulk of the e-book consists of comments on the viewpoint expressed in this piece. One of them is by Minister Cerexhe, then in charge of employment in the Brussels government. All other comments are by academics active in the areas of labour economics and social policy.

Reactions to the e-book

Comment on the e-book by Koen ALGOED, April 30, 2009

Comment on the e-book by Frank VANDENBROUCKE, April 28, 2009