Languages in the school curriculum / School registration and admission policies

6th Public Event of the Re-Bel initiative
Thursday the 22nd of December 2011 from 2 to 6pm

Dutch, French, English and other foreign languages in the school curriculum
School registration and admission policies


13.30 Registration

Introduction: Philippe VAN PARIJS (UCLouvain & Oxford)

Dutch, French, English and other foreign languages in the school curriculum:
experiments and policies in Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels.

Lead piece: Alex HOUSEN (VUB) and Laurence METTEWIE (FUNDP)
Comments: Christiane BLONDIN (ULg) and Ludo BEHEYDT (UCL)
Chair: François MANIQUET (UCLouvain)

15.45 Coffee break

School registration and admission policies:
challenges and experiments in Belgium’s urban areas

Lead piece: Estelle CANTILLON (ULB)
Comments: Bernard DELVAUX (UCL), Dimo KAVADIAS (VUB), Jean-Pierre VERHAEGHE (UGent)

Conclusion: Paul DE GRAUWE (K.U.Leuven & LSE)

18.00 Reception

Background Documents & Contributions

Topic 1. Dutch, French, English and other foreign languages in the school curriculum
• Challenging Language Education in Belgium, by Alex HOUSEN and Laurence METTEWIE

Topic 2. School registration and admission policies in Belgium’s urban areas
• School choice regulation in practice: Lessons from Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent, by Estelle CANTILLON