Thursday 16 January 2025, 17.30-19.00
Re-Bel Public Event – University Foundation (Brussels)
Belgische vs. Vlaamse diplomatie. Conflict of samenwerking?
Diplomatie belge vs. flamande. Conflit ou collaboration ?
The Belgian Constitution confers very broad powers to the Regions and the Communities with regard to the international and European dimensions of their competences (energy, mobility, economy, etc.). The federated entities negotiate and sign treaties, take up an active role in international organizations, develop foreign trade policies and so forth. Flanders in particular is increasingly ambitious when it comes to the development of its own ‘diplomatic’ network.
The international representation of Belgium’s complex federal system presents unique challenges and opportunities. The relations between federal and regional representatives are sometimes characterized by loyal cooperation and mutual coordination, at other times by confrontation and conflict. Where do opportunities for synergies lie to enhance Belgium’s international impact? Is institutional reform needed to ensure a strong, unified representation of Belgium on the global stage?
These and many other questions will be tackled at Re-Bel’s Public Event, held on Thursday 16 January from 5.30 to 7 pm concurrently at the University Foundation (11 rue d’Egmontstraat, 1000 Brussels) and online.
Language regime: Dutch and French
Speakers: Axel BUYSE (Foreign Affairs Flanders), Ambassador Johan VERBEKE (Belgian diplomacy and Egmont Institute) and Sofia VANDENBOSCH (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and UCLouvain)
Moderation: Béatrice DELVAUX (Le Soir) and Karel VERHOEVEN (De Standaard)
Organisation: Karel REYBROUCK (UCLouvain and KU Leuven), Céline ROMAINVILLE (UCLouvain) & Willem SAS (UHasselt)