About the Re-Bel initiative

The aim of the Re-Bel initiative is to rethink in depth, in an open, rigorous, non-partisan way, what the institutions of the Belgian federal state – or of whatever else this part of the world needs to become – can and must look like in the longer term, taking full account of the evolving European context.

The activities organised within the framework of the initiative are generally conducted in English. They gather academics and researchers whose work is relevant to the purpose of the initiative. They also welcome anyone interested in a serious discussion of the issues to which they are devoted. The first public event took place on April 30th, 2009.

If you wish to be kept informed of Re-Bel’s future publications and events, you can sign up for email updates on our Contact page. The Re-Bel initiative’s e-book series and events can be accessed on the links below.

The Re-Bel initiative initiative is hosted by the Brussels-based University Foundation, to whose mission it contributes by fostering fruitful collaboration between academics from all over the country.

Re-Bel’s core-group

Re-Bel’s activities are coordinated by Céline Romainville, Karel Reybrouck and Willem Sas, relying on the help of a ‘core’ group which currently consists of:

Bea Cantillon
Social Policy, Universiteit Antwerpen

Estelle Cantillon
Economics, Université libre de Bruxelles & FNRS

André Decoster
Economics, KU Leuven

Paul De Grauwe
Economics, London School of Economics & KU Leuven

Kris Deschouwer
Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Mathias Dewatripont
Economy, Université libre de Bruxelles

Bruno De Wever
Contemporary History, Universiteit Gent

Petra Meier
Social and Political Science, Universiteit Antwerpen

Isabelle Ferreras
Sociology, UCLouvain & FNRS

Erik Schokkaert
Economics, KU Leuven

Dave Sinardet
Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles

Edoardo Traversa
Tax Law, UCLouvain & KU Leuven

Philippe Van Parijs
Economic and Social Ethics, UCLouvain & KU Leuven

Former members:
Johanne Poirier, François Maniquet, Jacques-François Thisse

The Re-Bel core group on the 24th of January 2011

Coverage of Re-Bel’s launch

Click the logos below to read coverage of Re-Bel’s launch in 2009.